Haute Solutions
Elegant Solutions to Simplify Your Life
Product / Firmware / Library Quick Reference
Product Firmware:
- OLEDRelay
(Version 7.1): This is the firmware for the current version of the
SMS Relay. You can
identify this SMS Relay from prior versions as it has a
black cover with an integrated 16x2
character OLED Display. A detailed description of the firmware upgrade process can be found in the
OLED Relay User Documentation.
- SMSRelay (Version
5.2): This is the firmware for older versions of the SMS Relay.
You can identify this SMS Relay from other versions as it has a
clear cover and a multi-color matrix of
LEDs underneath. A detailed description of the firmware upgrade process can be found in the
SMS Relay User Documentation.
- SMSTCPGateway
(Version 6.3): This firmware is used in our EGGBox
Ethernet GSM Gateway. It provides a
bi-directional bridge between a TCP/IP Ethernet Network and GSM SMS Text
- Pingster (Version
1.0): The PINGSTER Example monitors a list of selected IP Addresses.
It will send an SMS message to a specified individual's Cell Phone should
the device at that IP address change (Up/Down). This is very useful for
automatic notification should a file server, web server, or internet
connection go down! ONLY sends SMS messages if/when the state of the system
changes (Up/Down). Does NOT continue to send endless messages if a system
goes down. This example requires the ICMPPING Library for Arduino by Blake
Foster (http://playground.arduino.cc/Code/ICMPPing)
(Version 1.0): This firmware is actually a decendant of the full
SMSTCPGateway code. The archive contains two utilities which work
together to send SMS text messages directly from your workstation to an
EGGBoard on your network and then out to a specified Cell Phone number. The
EGGSMS.AU3 program runs on your windows workstation or server (run or
compiled with the free AUTOIT development tool:
http://www.autoitscript.com/site/autoit/ ) and the TCPSMSRelay is an
Arduino script which runs on the EGGBoard. AUTOIT is an extremely
powerful, simple, and FREE environment which can be used to send SMS
messages to, or receive messages from, the EGGBoard. These tools
demonstrate how easy (and FREE) it is to use AUTOIT to monitor local
workstation/Server events and send SMS messages accordingly - or - receive
SMS messages from the EGGBoard and launch/control local software as desired.
Very Cool!
- WebSMSRelay
(Version 1.0): A Simple web server which runs on the EGGBoard and
sends short SMS messages to the specified cell phone numbers.
Firmware Libraries:
- SMSDev (Version 1.3):
The SMSDev (SMS Device) library is basically a high-level library used to
integrate functions from both the GSMSMS and the OLED_1311 libraries.
(Both GSMSMS and OLED_1311 libraries are also required to use this library).
The SMSDev library provides many of the high-level functions required to
integrate SMS Command and Control for SMS enabled devices (MeGGaBoard,
ESP324G) which also incorporate an
OLED Display.
- OLED_1311
(Version 1.1) : The OLED_1311 library provides easy to use
functionality for our OLED Display.
(The SSD1311 chipset is functionally similar to the US2066 chipset).
ESP32_IOShield (Version 1.0): This library provides base
abstraction for many of the ports in the
ESP32_IOShield. (This is a work in progress)
- TM1638_ESP32
(Version 1.0): This library provides TM1638 interface functionality
for the ESP32_IOShield. (This is a work
in progress)
- Thermistor
(Version 1.0): Although primarily intended for use with the
ESP32_IOShield, this library provides
very flexible configuration and access to thermistors connected to an analog
I/O port. (This is a work in progress)
- I2CKeypad
(Version 1.0): This library provides easy reading of a 4x4 discrete
keypad connected via an PCF8574 on the I2C Interface.
Other Links which might prove helpful:
Contact Information (Dealer Inquiries Welcome):
Haute Solutions, LLC 17165 W Glendale
Dr New Berlin, WI 53151
Sales[at]Haute-Solutions.com //